The teenage girl witnessed the arrest of her father. As an adult, she become a hacker and assisted in national security. While on task she discovered assassination of a congressman.
在同名喜剧电影《大人物拿破仑》公映7年后,这一怪诞搞笑青年的故事出现在电视屏幕上,只是这一次将是动画片。而电影中的原班人马将为动画角色配音,电视剧集的场景被永久地锁定在高中时代。 FOX电视台在2012一月十五日继Family Guy和The Simpsons之后推出的第三部动画,每周六夜晚播出。 16岁的高中生Napoleon和32岁无业的哥哥Kip和年迈的祖母生活在一起。Napoleon觉得自己特别sweet,而Kip则天天上网泡妞。宅男宅女和喜欢生活大爆炸的朋友们适合看一看。 give it
Rich heiress Allie McClean heads for a weekend at her isolated family home in the middle of no man's land, only to find that the caretaker, Ben, is a homicidal maniac who's under instructions from her father to kill her and all her guests.