BBC纪录片,带领我们回顾以色列这个国家的诞生,分析了1949年引发以色列独立战争的事件,以及对阿拉伯、中东关系的影响。本片用一个小时的时间简要向我们分析了当今中东问题的历史根源。 History, Sociopolitical Documentary hosted by Jeremy Bowen and published by BBC in 2008 - English narration Jeremy Bowen presents a look back at the creation of the state of Israel, examining the the events leading up to the Israeli war of Independence in 1949, its impact on ArabIsraeli relations and the implications for the Middle East. This description doesn't do this documentary justice. It's a one hour crash course in some of the underlying causes of the current problems in the Middle East.