海湾战争中,坦克部队军官沙林(丹泽尔•华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)一次判断失误下令击毁了己军的坦克,令到好友鲍德温意外死亡了。虽然军事法庭判他不需承担责任,然而他还是日夜受着良心的煎熬,一直想找鲍德温的父母说明此事,却也一直没有勇气。 上司为了给沙林授勋,派他调查战争中一起机械师勇救士兵牺牲的事件。沙林调查中发现勇救士兵而英勇牺牲的竟然是卡伦(梅格•瑞安 Meg Ryan 饰)竟然是个女人!但现场的几名士兵的供词自相矛盾、漏洞百出。在沙林对其中一名士兵墨菲逼问后,墨菲竟然自杀了。随着
Russell gives a moving performance as sister Elizabeth Kenny, the dedicated nurse who crusaded for the treatment of infantile paralysis. Academy Award Nominations: Best Actress--Rosalind Russell.
In 1828 Scotland, Edinburgh surgeon Dr. Knox does medical research on cadavers he buys from murderers Burke and Hare, without questioning the unethical procurement methods.
1979年,罗马梵蒂冈教廷意识到和恶魔撒旦有着莫大关系的一名女婴诞生在纽约,二十年后,距离本世纪还剩最后三天的12月28日,撒旦(加布里埃尔·伯恩 Gabriel Byrne 饰)以一名人类银行家的肉身重现人间,丧失了妻女的前任警察杰瑞克(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)和自己的安保团队受雇于伪装的魔鬼,为其提供保护。不久一名神父冒死狙杀撒旦,不幸失败,他在临死前向布瑞克提出警告。布瑞克与同伴按照神父留下的线索找到了女子克里斯汀(罗宾·汤尼 Robin Tunney 饰),
Released in France as La Kermesse Heroique, Carnival in Flanders is set during the long-ago war between the Dutch and Spanish. A tiny village in Flanders is invaded by Spanish troops. The townsfolk have heard of Spanish cruelties in other towns, and decid
A group of Czech artists choose to ignore the realities of Nazi occupation in this brooding experimental war drama. When a pretty female refugee comes to town seeking help, she awakens the sexual desires of all the men, but the only one who helps her is a
In sepia tones, the film moves back and forth among three periods in Robert Tucker's life: he's an old man, near death, in a nursing home at Christmas time; he's in middle age caring for his cheerful but dying mother; he's a lad at Catholi