卡洛琳娜(维洛妮卡·奥莉维亚 Veronica Olivier 饰)是一个样貌美丽又开朗乐观的十四岁女孩,这是刚刚开始对异性产生兴趣的年级,在懵懵懂懂之中,情与爱对她来说是可望而不可求的秘密果实。虽然身边不乏男孩子的追求,但这些看上去又傻又呆的男孩子自然不可能成为卡洛琳娜的选择,而眼看着身边的好姐们一个接着一个的脱了单,聊天的话题渐渐转向了恋爱生活后,卡洛琳娜不免的感到有些着急,自己的真命天子究竟什么时候才会出现呢? 一天,卡洛琳娜在书店里徘徊,此时,一个名叫马西(吉赛贝·马吉欧 Giuseppe Ma
A Princess has her erotic vacation interrupted when a renegade alien force, led by her arch enemy, Aria, attacks Pleasure Planet. A quick escape lands her in even more hot water as the Princess and her busty bodyguard crash land on Earth.
Javier and Felipe are now full-time parents to their daughters. However, the fathers discover the girls are missing something: a mother. To find her, they invite their girlfriends on vacation with a secret plan.