Brazilian town of Santa An-du-Agreshte welcomes his "prodigal daughter" Tieta, after a very long absence. When Tieta was 17, her father and older sister threw her out of the house "for bad behavior." And she returns home - very beautif
法国独立制片公司Gaumont将拍一部关于席琳·迪翁的电影《爱的力量》(The Power of Love),成本2300万美元,影片将会出现多首迪翁的经典歌曲,包括“All by Myself”、“My Heart Will Go On”、“I’m Alive”等。 瓦莱丽·勒梅西埃(《巴黎淘气帮》《五月傻瓜》)执导,她也将饰演迪翁。影片记录迪翁从60年代在魁北克出生、成长,到十几岁时声名鹊起,再到她与经纪人、丈夫Rene Angelil以及家人的关系。法国2020年12月2日上映。
Wheat has been a staple food of humanity, and a foundation of our diet, dating back to the first civilizations on Earth. Today, a growing segment of wheat products have become tainted, and people have taken up the task of finding out why.