Isaac, and his wife, Tania, are heading to the countryside to help Isaac's estranged father Abe do some projects around the house as an opportunity to try to patch things up.
这是一场穿越欧洲大陆的旅行,也是一次跨越时间和空间的探险我们寻找古代海洋的蛛丝马迹,发掘热带雨林中的生物遗迹,探索高山之巅的神秘世界。旅途中,我们会与恐龙为伴,之后,还会邂逅尼安德特人,见证那些几乎毁灭一切的宇宙浩劫。我们将目睹猎手和猎物间的生死较量,揭秘欧洲大陆漫长的演化史。\r\n 第1集 恐龙时代 大裂变(Part 1: The Big Crash)\r\n 第2集 人类时代 我的人类星球(Part 2: Human Earth My Human Earth)\r\n 解说:Mark R
Deep within the hidden chambers of an ancient Egyptian pyramid, a shocking discovery is made the mummified remains of an alien shark. Guarding this creature is a vengeful mystic who brings the beast back to life, unleashing it upon a group of unsuspecting