伊拉克战场,美国海军陆战队员约翰•特里顿(约翰•塞那 John Cena 饰)为营救战友独闯虎穴,虽然他的营救成功,却因违抗总部的命令而被强制退伍。约翰解甲归田回到家乡,见到久违的妻子凯特(凯莉•卡尔森 饰)。不愿窝在家里的约翰找到一份保全工作,却在上班第一天就被炒掉鱿鱼。为了排解心中抑郁,夫妇俩相约驾车外出度假。 在一间加油站,他们遭遇珠宝大盗罗梅(罗伯特•帕特里克 Robert Patrick 饰)及其同伙。罗梅与路过的警察发生冲突,一番枪战过后,罗梅团伙成功逃跑,并劫持凯特为人质。突如其来的变故唤
邓迪(保罗·霍根 Paul Hogan 饰)自小被非洲土著抚养长大,故对于传统的狩猎技能颇为精通。一次意外中,一条凶猛的鳄鱼攻击了邓迪,在腿部受伤的情况下,邓迪制服了鳄鱼,并靠其异常坚韧的意志力最终获救。对于邓迪的英雄事迹,记者苏(琳达·科斯罗斯基 Linda Kozlowski 饰)十分感兴趣,为了写一篇关于邓迪的新闻报告,苏千里迢迢来到了澳大利亚。 在经历了充满惊险与刺激的野外生存之后,苏热情的将邓迪邀请到了她的“地盘”——大都市纽约。可是,从未见识过如此排场的邓迪在新生事物面前不仅显得十分胆怯,还
In the aggressive and often hostile world of youth grass roots football Adam (17) faces an ultimatum from the team captain (Mike) when they discover Adam's best friend Tom is gay.
It was 1990: Sega, startup gaming co. assembled a team to take on Nintendo, world's greatest video game company. A make or break conflict pit brother against brother, Sonic against Mario and, American capitalism against Japanese tradition.
Daisy inherits a spooky old estate from her late grandfather, a martial arts master whom she never met. When she shows up on the property, she soon discovers the house is haunted by her grandfather's spirit and the ghost of a mysterious man named Will