Two members of a defunct neo-Nazi metal band reunite at the site of their band-mate's suicide. One sinks into depravity and grievance and one tries to atone for what he has done. What ensues is an occult battle of wills. .
The film follows five teenagers who are stalked by a killer in the woods. However, when the killer accidentally dies, they realize they're trapped in the storyline of the movie and cannot leave until they fulfill its script. This darkly comedic and thrill
就读于某医学院的奥利维娅·“丽芙”·摩尔(罗丝·麦克莱弗 Rose McIver 饰)学业精进,甜美可人,她原本拥有美好光明的人生,谁知一个反常的决定彻底颠覆了她既定的命运。经不住同侪的劝说,她参加了一个在轮船上举行的狂欢派对。可是派对上一种神秘的药物令所有人变成了嗜血如命的狂暴丧尸。次日一早,奥莉维娅从裹尸袋中坐起,她明明已经死去,如今则以丧尸的身份复活。外貌和气质的巨大转变以及可怕的遭遇令家人手足无措,而身体内对脑子的渴望也让她焦灼不堪。为此奥莉维娅在西雅图验尸官办公室谋得一份职业,从此她有了稳定的食
Filmed live on stage at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, CA, this not-to-be-missed high energy show stars Original Broadway cast members Jeremy Jordan as "Jack Kelly," Kara Lindsay as "Katherine," Ben Fankhauser as "Davey"
老作家安东尼奥(安东尼奥·拉瑞塔 Antonio Larreta 饰)八十多岁了,有一天他突然梦到了小时候的年轻保姆的脸。这一天,安东尼奥多年未见 的钢琴师儿子就要回家探望刚因心脏病发而卧床输液的父亲。家庭护士玛利亚(玛利亚·得尔卡门·吉门耐兹 María del Carmen Jiménez 饰)和艾米莎(艾米莎·罗丹 Emilse Roldán 饰)从清早起便开始忙碌,要给安东尼奥做早点, 打针吃药,理发,找琴师来调几十年都没人弹的德国钢琴,侍弄菜园,还得对付安东尼奥的健忘病。但谁也没想到,不听话的安