20 years after her husband's death, a woman keeps more than just his memory alive. Needing help at home, she takes in a student, but soon detects a risk of losing her husband to the girl. Does the girl have even a ghost of a chance?
Four friends will compete in awkward and outrageous hidden-camera hijinks. At the end of each episode, the losing competitor will have to attempt a mortifying challenge.
A cautionary tale told in three contradicting accounts; this is a story of a broadcasting student who discovers the shady truth about the TV reporter he idolizes.
一个男孩因为向父母讨要零花钱失败,去当了自己的手表,却换回一张500元法郎的假钞。之后,这张假钞在很多人之间转手,最后落到了一个叫伊文(克里斯琴·佩蒂 Christian Patey 饰)的年轻人手中。伊文试着去餐馆花掉这张假钞,但被服务员发现了。警察认为他参与了假钞贩卖案而逮捕了他,但法官念他初犯,没有给他判刑。伊文释放之后,丢了工作。没有了钱,他只好和朋友去银行抢劫,却又一次栽在警察手里,被抓进监狱,被判刑三年…… 本片是布列松的最后一部作品,改编自托尔斯泰的短篇小说《伪息券》,曾获第36届戛纳电影节
Han pasado años desde que Isabel sintió el placer de vivir. Este profundo vacío existencial es la causa para romper su matrimonio y abandonar a sus hijos a favor de tener encuentros sexuales intensos con extraños, lo que llevará a su cuerpo a la autodestr