A demoted detective is given the opportunity to go undercover and take down the mob's most ruthless killer, but his life and only chance at redemption spiral out of control as he loses himself in the role.
故事发生在第二次世界大战刚刚结束之后,一切都是百废待兴的样子。士兵查尔斯(范·强生 Van Johnson 饰)在完成了自己身为一名军人的使命之后,决定留在巴黎,进军文艺界,成为一名作家。在巴黎,查尔斯邂逅了海伦(伊丽莎白·泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 饰)和玛丽安(唐娜·里德 Donna Reed 饰)姐妹两,很快,查尔斯便和海伦坠入了爱河,两人结为夫妻,并且有了他们爱情的结晶。\r\n 虽然感情生活一帆风顺,但查尔斯的事业却一直没有起色,迟迟无法获得成功的他心灰意冷,开始依靠酒精派遣内心的
A team of scientists face dangerous consequences after they conduct a clandestine experiment to breach the quantum barrier and travel to another dimension.
A group of friends return home with Hunter Killian to support him as he shares a family secret only to learn that sometimes older secrets are more deadly. Hunter was childhood friends with Ben Holister but rumors of horrid abuse made Hunter's parents
科林(Judith M. Brown 饰)遭到了谋杀的指控,被关入了位于菲律宾的监狱里,等待着她的,是长达20年的牢狱之灾。人高马大的格利尔(帕姆·格里尔 Pam Grier 饰)是监狱里的大姐大,她一眼就相中了与众不同的科林,想要逼迫她委身于自己,但个性倔强的科林怎么可能就范,在反抗格利尔的过程中,科林和名叫邦妮(帕特·伍德尔 Pat Woodell 饰)的女囚成为了朋友。\r\n 某日,科林被女警官带走了,她打算通过刑讯逼供的方式迫使科林承认自己没有犯过的罪行。焦急的邦妮找到了聪明伶俐的阿尔科特(罗