Alex de Renzy (FEMMES DE SADE, PRETTY PEACHES) was one of the greatest directors of adult films ever, his career starting in the late 60's and preceeding well into the 90's. So saying that BABY FACE, stands as his crowning achievement is no small
A Princess has her erotic vacation interrupted when a renegade alien force, led by her arch enemy, Aria, attacks Pleasure Planet. A quick escape lands her in even more hot water as the Princess and her busty bodyguard crash land on Earth.
颓唐邋遢的哈伯(Chance A. Rearden 饰)曾经是某个名噪一时的儿童秀主持人,但他早已不复当年的辉煌,节目收视率持续走低,哈伯则自暴自弃,饮酒作乐,任意妄为,甚至搞砸节目的录制。最终,他失去了这份干了半辈子的工作。在此之后,他打电话找来自己的粉丝以及唯一好友——刚刚通过医生考试的青年德文(Wade F. Wilson 饰)。醉醺醺的哈伯声称要从事人偶生意,而且还送给德文一个大号的偶噶布噶(Ooga Booga)土著人偶。归家途中,德文意外遭遇一场抢劫案,谁知报警后却被带有种族偏见的警察当作劫犯