橘子郡位于美国加利福尼亚州南部,是一个富裕慵懒的港湾城镇,也是一个阳光灿烂的旅游胜地。 问题少年瑞恩(本杰明·麦肯锡 Ben mingtian6.com McKenzie 饰)在贫民区长大,一日在哥哥教他偷车的时候,被警察抓住。公设辩护队律师桑迪·科恩成了他的监护人。因负责监管瑞恩的生活桑迪让他住进了自己位于纽 波特海滨的家中。桑迪的妻子凯斯顿对瑞恩的到来并不欢迎。她担心瑞恩会对自己年少的儿子塞斯(亚当·布罗迪 Adam Brody 饰)产生不良影响,只同意让瑞恩住一周。在与科恩家相处的第一个晚上,瑞恩
第二季承接第一季的故事情节。出轨的贝蒂伤透了蒂娜的心,贝蒂想方设法求得蒂娜回心转意。詹妮的生活方式让蒂姆大发雷霆,决定搬离洛杉矶。爱丽丝(蕾莎·海利 Leisha Hailey饰)与德纳(爱琳·丹尼尔斯 Erin Daniels)的地下恋情发展迅速。夏恩(凯瑟琳·莫宁 Katherine Moennig)与卡门(萨拉·沙希 Sarah Shahi饰)一见钟情,打得火热。“星球”餐厅重新开张,海伦娜(蕾切尔·雪莉 Rachel Shelley饰)带着浩浩荡荡的摄影队伍出现在蒂娜眼前…… 在“The L W
The turbulent life of soul and blues singer, the late Joe Cocker. A former gas fitter from Sheffield , catapulted to world stardom in 1969 at Woodstock with his legendary performance of the Beatles song,"A Little Help from My Friends". But in th
Set in 790AD, Vikingane features the daily challenges of people living in a small Viking village, from power struggle, brother rivalry, gender equality, to betrayal and friendship. "It's the story of people from our time, but living during the Vi
Ben Sherman is about to complete Phase 2 of his rookie year. During Phase 3, he will be allowed to patrol solo. Detective Adams and Officer Brown are assigned new partners. Rene Cordero, Adams's new partner, is obsessed with receiving glory and press