《把哥哥退货可以吗》、《限时好友》后,泰国最瞩目爆笑爱情喜剧《只有我能喜欢妳》(Love and Run),找来全台破亿天菜《模犯生》「阿班」查农桑提纳同库(Chanon Santinatornkul),颠覆《模犯生》中天才资优生形象,在新片中化身中二屁孩,只为了保护小自己一岁的女神小姑姑「小琳」,泰国超人气女神苏帕莎拉珊纳洽(Supassra Thanachat)饰演,查农使出浑身解术要斩断女神所有桃花!
Javier and Felipe are now full-time parents to their daughters. However, the fathers discover the girls are missing something: a mother. To find her, they invite their girlfriends on vacation with a secret plan.
当他感到失望时,他们相遇了。错误是由亲密关系引起的,他们的关系也不清楚。最后会怎样?与《学长的爱情攻心计》(2020)类似的故事。讲述Mark和vee之间的完整故事。《Love Mechanics》的时间线是在Neur遇到Praram之前。这部将会有他和Mark的感情。 When the disappointment struck him, they met. Mistakes are caused by intimacy and their relationship was unclear. How
To save his brother from the hands of narcos in Medellin, Reda gathers a team to raid the kidnappers in Colombia. To save his brother from the hands of narcos in Medellin, Reda gathers a t