该系列的电影剪辑。艾在国外学习,直到他因吵架被开除后,他的父亲强迫他返回泰国,他在他任教的大学上课。在那里,艾遇到了骑哈雷戴维森的新同学陈南海,他痴迷于一个黄色的鸭钥匙扣。艾一见钟情,一场旋风般的爱情随之而来。~~改编自小说《爱龙纳萨科恩(นทกร).)的《海》(อัยย์หลงไน๋) Movie cut of the series. Ai studied abroad until, after being expelled for quarrelling, his father forces hi
Based on the haunting true stories told on a famous radio show, the new horror series “Terror Tuesday Extreme” will bring eight stories to the screen directed by eight directors in eight episodes of extreme terror with an incredible cast that will give yo
Summer" It is a story about two people, "Winter" and "summer". Arrive Island And, by chance, enabling them to meet and fight loneliness, it binds them to learn more known among the sand and the quiet breeze. They become the comple
Everyone yearns for a good life. So does Nueng. She always dreams of living in her ideal world. Nueng, who is as beautiful as a swan, comes from a wealthy family. She's married and her husband loves her very much. However, things are not as perfect as