A special operations unit races to find and prevent the construction of a devastating micro nuclear device created by a group of radical mercenaries whose political beliefs blur the line between terrorist and revolutionary.
A woman working as a security guard in an agricultural research facility finds herself and her co-worker Schmidt fighting to survive against their former friends.
21世纪初,在今日英国多元文化背景下,四个文化背景不同的年轻人,毒品的狂欢,暴力的宣泄,伦敦贫民区. An adrenaline filled weekend of party's, drugs, and violence seen through the eyes of four multicultural friends living in the melting pot that is Londons' inner city estates.
第十一季 (播出目录) (2016) Season 11 S11E01 南极洲金字塔 Pyramids of Antarctica (2016年5月6日播出); S11E02 目的地:火星 Destination Mars (2016年5月13日播出); S11E03 人与机器人的融合 The Next Humans (2016年5月20日播出); S11E04 新证据 The New Evidence (2016年5月26日播出); S11E05 与外星人沟通的梦想 The Visionar