When Harper and her daughter take the law into their own hands, they believe they have the upper hand. But their plans take a dark turn when they kidnap the drunk driver that killed Harper's husband and he isn't what he seems
Follows three scientists who come to a village to find a treasure, but things don't turn easy for them because there is black magic in that village.三个科学家来到一个村庄寻宝,但村里似乎有黑魔法……
《全境通告 APB》该剧根据一篇文章《Who Runs the Streets of New Orleans》得到灵感。背景为在一个破产﹑奄奄一息的城市中,一个神秘﹑科技界的亿万富翁,因为好友被谋杀,于是出资在一间身陷麻烦的警局,设立一支 私人的警察部队,以解决市里各种混乱的情况。David Slack及Len Wiseman亦为执行制片人。 Justin Kirk将饰演剧中亿万富翁兼天才Gideon Reeves,在带着孩子气的好奇心时,同时也有令人难以抗拒的魅力。在好友被谋杀后,决定要把原本的警察系