迪杰(泰伦斯•霍华德 Terrence Dashon Howard 饰)是一个皮条客, 每天和妓女诺拉(塔恩•曼宁 Taryn Manning 饰)在汽车上接客,日子极为无聊,深感中年危机。在一次黑市交易中,迪杰买到了一个卡通电子钢琴,唤起了自己关于唱诗班的回忆。他得知嘻哈巨星凯尼布莱克(卢达•克里斯 Ludacris 饰)将在7月4日开演唱会。他希望能够录自己的demo小样,寄给这位嘻哈界的大腕。于是,迪杰开始重新组建乐队,找到昔日唱诗班的老友凯(安东尼•安德森 Anthony Anderson 饰),
A proud movie theater owner must defend his family business from corporate developers alongside a legendary action star as art imitates life in a showdown for the ages.
When a young soldier, newly returned from war, gets caught up in a drug bust, he is recruited by the authorities to go undercover in a notoriously dangerous prison in order to figure out what is really going on.