As the SUN burns out, an American family gathers at the end of the world, their hopes for rescue slowly crumbling as they also confront long lasting divides amongst each other.
A young junior hockey player's life is shattered by an in-game act of violence. In an instant his life is abruptly turned upside down; torn from the fraternity of the team and the coinciding position of prominence, he is cast as a pariah and ostracize
科学家韦恩·斯萨林斯基(里克·莫拉尼斯 Rick Moranis饰)发明了能将物体放大缩小的机器,光顾着高兴的他却忘记了告诉他的两个孩子。于是这个神奇的仪器把他的孩子们跟邻居家的两个孩子都给缩小了。\r\n 四个孩子开始了一次刺激的神奇之旅。院子里的矮小平坦的草坪变成了高耸茂密的 热带雨林,微不足道的昆虫变成了凶猛硕大的野兽,原先稀松平常的东西都瞬间变成了巨型障碍。然而粗心的夫妇发现孩子们失踪后,才意识到大事不妙。怎样才能把孩子们都变回原来的模样呢?而此时最重要的问题是,他们到底在身边的哪个角落……
Hulu announced on Wednesday that the Letterkenny spinoff Shoresy has been renewed for a third season, ahead of Season 2’s premiere this Friday. Six new episodes will shoot in Sudbury this fall.
阴云密布的旷野荒原,一位身披斗篷的孤独女人行走其间。她缓缓地讲述着一个关于爱与复仇的故事。19世纪,英国约克郡。呼啸山庄的主人恩萧先生带回了一个男孩,并取名为希斯克利夫。几年后,希斯克利夫(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes饰)便长成了一位英俊少年。恩萧的女儿凯瑟琳(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche饰)一下子就迷上了这个沉默寡言、我行我素的男孩。然而恩萧先生对希斯克利夫的宠爱,却让恩萧的儿子亨德雷(杰瑞米·诺森 Jeremy Northam饰)异常嫉妒。一次意外,让凯瑟琳邂逅了贵族