本剧基于Jeff Pearlman的书籍《Showtime: Magic, Kareem, Riley, and the Los Angeles Lakers Dynasty of the 1980s》创作,聚焦1980年代的洛杉矶湖人队,讲述队员的职业生涯和个人生活,以及那些在球场内外帮助定义了一个时代的非凡人物。在"表演时刻"期间,湖人队称霸NBA,5夺总冠军,是体育界最受崇敬、最具统治力的王朝之一。 "Showtime"曾被用作剧名,表示湖人队的"
After narrowly escaping an ancient burial ground, a group of friends find themselves trapped between two evils, forcing them to fight, die, or go back the way they came
艾美达·斯丹顿([维拉·德雷克])、弗兰西丝卡·安妮丝(《战火家园》)、拉塞尔·托维(《寻》)、斯蒂芬·瑞([哭泣的游戏])将主演ITV家庭剧《血肉之躯》(Flesh and Blood,暂译)。Louise Hooper(《作弊》)执导,莎拉·威廉姆斯(《长歌》)操刀剧本。故事围绕三兄妹展开,他们丧偶的母亲突然宣布爱上一个男人,这使得这个家庭陷入了困境。剧集已在伦敦开拍。
Follows the story of Ruth Ellis: her lifestyle as a young nightclub manageress, her violent relationship with the man she then killed in cold blood, her arrest, trial, and subsequent legal battle to get her release before she was hanged.